Lords, Ladies and Gentlepersons - make Your event unique.

Bagpipe music is known for over 2000 years, since the times of Rome Empire. It is always trembled peoples hearts in times of joy and sorrow. Bagpipes was played in markets for crowd entertainment and in times of sacred rituals. Bagpipe music will make Your event special. Let Your feast be filled with majestic sounds of Scottish Highlands, crazy dance tunes of medieval times or with traditional sounds of Latvian pipes.

Pipers are most effective at marking certain stages in an event, due to their traditional appearance and sound - to pipe guests on arrival at a wedding, to pipe cake in at a Birthday Party etc. I always advise including a piper at choice moments to assist dramatic impact, rather than have me play away non stop.

Please note that it requires a lot of physical effort to play the bagpipes - piper will tend to play in stints of 5-20 minutes.
Prices are based on type of event, distance and attendance time - they are less dependant on how much or little you want me to play.

2011-01-02 18:24  |  Skatīts: 1257x
